Healing begins when you realize that what ails you is your greatest teacher.
- Sahara
Whether in Person or Online
You are Getting to the Core of the Issue
Bridging Your Inner World with Your Outer World Begins the
Journey of Your Transformation.

Immersive Healing for the Entire Family
Individuals, Relationships,
Children, and Pets
You may receive any of the following during any session with Sahara:
Intuitive Guidance
Holistic Health Consult
Five Element Consult
Shamanic Spiritual Healing
Guidance from the Other Side
Conscious Communication Counseling
Nutritional and Herbal Protocols
Medical Concierge for Illness
Empowering tools to use for life

Holistic Supplements and Protocols Delivered to Your Door
Detox - Immunity - Emotions - Digestion - Reproductive Issues - Skin Conditions - Hormone Imbalances - Stress - Depression - Anxiety - Neurological Conditions - Insomnia - And more...
Made Available to Purchase Through Wellevate's Online Dispensary.

Online Dispensary
"She has brought me to feel like my true self again. I cannot imagine where my life would be without her work. She is the most incredible teacher, healer, acupuncturist, writer, and artist. She is very gifted. Sharing her work with the world will allow the world to heal."
Roni, Teacher and Mom
"I myself have seen Sahara for years and decided to take both my dogs, one for an acute issue and one for chronic skin/ digestive issues. After one session and putting into place suggested diet changes and supplement additions the itching and digestion issues have dramatically decreased."
Taryn, Realtor and Mom

Virtual Healthcare
East Asian Medical consults with the Five Elements. Receive insight, perspective, holistic protocols, and distance healing from home.
Chronic Illness
You don't have to traverse the rabbit hole of medicine alone. Sahara survived over 30 years with an undiagnosed illness. She'll cater a practitioner referral in your region
Intuitive Healing
Understand the energetic dynamics at play with your life circumstance, physical ailments, and emotional patterns that have you stuck and suffering.
Shamanic Roots
Shamanism is the act of aligning your soul back into your body so you are fully attuned to your authentic self
Sahara's been a student of Shamanic Healing for 30 years!
East Asian Medicine
Traditional Five Element Acupuncture helps guide you back to the natural expression of your body. Private Sessions are held from Sahara's Home Healing Space on Maui.