Compassionate healing with a comprehensive approach for the body, mind, and spirit

Results for me have been much more powerful, and immediate compared to more than a decade of traditional counseling. All of this combined healing has accelerated my personal growth resulting in increased success and happiness in all areas of my life.
Amy, Washington

I wanted to thank you so much for the huge impact you had on my family. So much has shifted in me also which I am so grateful for...Also I just wanted you to know you are truly beautiful both inside and out. A huge huge thank you, big hugs and I hope to see again. All our love."
Monica, Switzerland
There's something to be said for a history...
I’ve had the pleasure of working with Sahara since 2010. She exudes the astute integrity of a leader, innate gifts of a shamanic heart, body and soul healer; the refined skill of a craftswoman, and the hard won timeless wisdom of a Sage. Most importantly though, she has helped guide me back to my own self. Never have I felt more seen, honored and deeply witnessed than in her presence and for me that’s true healing.
Zanni, Massage Therapist and Wanderluster, Montana
I’ve grown exponentially faster than I would have without discovering Sahara and working with her since 2006. I feel like the work we do is what I’ve been wanting to do for years. It’s a road to discovery, growth, insight, and opportunity.

Karlyn, Business Owner and Mom, Washington

A Decade with Sahara
She has brought me to feel like my true self again. I cannot imagine where my life would be without her work. She is the most incredible teacher, healer, acupuncturist, writer, and artist. She is very gifted. To share her work with the world will allow the world to heal. I am feeling very excited to see what the next ten years look like! Thank you from the bottom of my heart you’ve brought back joy to my life and helped me understand the pain which has taught me so much. For that, I am beyond grateful."
Roni with her boys
Washington, USA
New Perspectives
The moment we have felt truly witnessed is the moment we can finally
give ourselves permission to shift perspective.
You are one of the greatest blessings I’ve ever had in my life.
Your guidance, compassion, and wisdom opened doors for me that have forever changed the course of my life.
With the help of her gift she illuminated some very deeply hidden and personal aspects of my nature that I was not fully aware.
Sahara helped my 14 year old boy view some of his struggles as gifts and taught him to not be defined by a diagnosis.
Three years later, my son still has a big heart for Sahara and credits her with guiding him through a dark path he was on.
Melissa, Washington
Nicole, Oregon
Gretchen, Washington
Colleen, Illinois
I believe that when you brought back my vital essence, it allowed me to reconnect with myself, thus helping me to open my eyes to my path. I know myself again, I know what I want, and I couldn’t be happier.
I am so incredibly thankful to have met you! Thank you so much for your awesome guidance with my healing! You truly have an amazing gift. Mahalo from the bottom of my heart!
Sherri, Washington
I love knowing that she is just a click away, and it’s such a great reminder that we really are more connected than we realize, and that healing is not bound by space or time.
You can’t possibly know how much my time with you has helped me, on my path to healing - except you do! Thank you so much for you and what you do. You offer immeasurable comfort to those who are in need. Thanks for your love.”
Angela, Idaho
Shannon, Illinois
Heidi, Oregon
The emotional and physical are just as intertwined with our pets as with ourselves. I myself have seen Sahara for years and decided to take both my dogs, one for an acute issue and one for chronic skin/ digestive issues. After one session and putting into place suggested diet changes and supplement additions the itching and digestion issues have dramatically decreased. It was extraordinary.
If you have any sense that there is something off with a pet or something persistent ailing your pet that you aren’t getting answers to, please please consider this. It’s been life-changing for me and was an obvious game-changer for my sweet pups. Offer your pets a chance to be seen and heard by a remarkable practitioner. You'll be so grateful you did. The puppies absolutely loved the experience as did I."
Taryn with her Pups and growing Family
Hawaii, USA

Whole Family Wellness
I have known Sahara for almost three decades and, simply put, she is Mother Earth personified. I work as a scientist at a Medical University and I've witnessed her intuitive healing work up close for so long that she's turned this rational skeptic into a believer. Never have I met a more authentic and talented person that possesses the unique blend of skills to help anyone seeking to be part of the solution in a fragile world that seems to be teetering."
Chris, Colleague and Medical Researcher

Thirty Years a Colleague

Intentions of Service
In order to heal another, we've got to heal our own selves.
My own hardships were my greatest teacher and so are yours...

Online Learning, Too!
Check Out What the New Earth Pioneers are Saying About Their Experience

“Your vulnerability and dedication have shaken open a whole new level, bringing about all of the unresolved things, in all of our lives.”
Pioneer Ginelle
College Professor

“I felt I made a breakthrough for myself as I’ve been working through the Conscious Communication class. I felt like my eyes finally opened with my communication with certain people in my life. Good things!”
Pioneer Earl
Artist and Business Owner