
Sep 19, 20208 min

Ten Empowering Steps towards Being a Part of the Solution

Updated: Jul 27, 2022

The news and social media are grim, seemingly perpetuating a feeling of global crisis and a desire to reimagine a way pioneer a new earth together. In this blog, I'll be sharing with you Ten Empowering Steps towards being a part of the solution for our reimagined future as New Earth Pioneers.

Our entire world is so interconnected and we are certainly seeing this through pandemics, fires blowing smoke across the United States, inaccessible products from regions in peril, and our social traditions changing with social distancing. Even a hug or a handshake is awkwardly finding a new norm.

So, how do we take charge of our part in the interconnected problems?

How do we use the small changes we can make as part of getting well?

Anxiety, depression, fatigue, stress, insomnia, and frustration are all signs that there is something more we could be doing to fulfill our lives. Right now, a lot of us feel helpless, just waiting to see what is going to transpire on the planet. There is a sense of going on autopilot, to get through each day, waiting to see what happens next. Yet, if everything is changing around us, then it is so important to make sure we are changing along with it.

The question is, does the change we make contribute to the problem or contribute to the solution?

What does this have to do with health?

If we feel disempowered, our health is going to be affected. As an intuitive healer, I see the interconnectedness of all that is. I've witnessed an ankle finally mend once a person clears their fear of failure, stepping bravely into their future. I've witnessed a person's chronic fatigue lift when they discover that their passion is to dance even amidst all naysayers to begin a career sharing their love of dance. Or the depression subsides in a mother when they go back to school to fulfill their personal dreams. Or the neck spasm finally releases when they forgive their partner and move on.

Our health is very much connected to how we navigate this world. Our body always shows signs and symptoms of what isn't in alignment with the soul. The earth is doing the same, showing symptoms of distress in her unbalanced state. We all have a part in it.

When we make choices that are part of the solution, then healing,

self-empowerment and a better quality of life begin to unfold.

Our quality of life is so dependent upon the health of the earth. When you feel that interconnectedness, you can't help but want to take care of what is around you. These may be small simple suggestions, but they can lead to big revelations. Our self-care is connected to our earth-care.

Here are TEN ideas to get you started!

1. Change Out Your Disposables

There is always a non-disposable item to replace the disposable ones. Razors, straws, water bottles, plastic bags, plastic Tupperware, grocery bags, plastic utensils, and plastic plates can all become something you don't throw in the trash. It is a doable lifestyle change that feels good when you realize you are part of the solution, not part of the problem.

2. Know your Food

Does your food come from the farmer, bread baker, cheesemaker, or other artisans that take pride and care for the food and where it comes from? If you don't know, chances are you are contributing to fossil fuels, animal cruelty, pollution, and destruction of our topsoils. Don't worry though, most of what you purchase in the stores can be made from scratch, bought off a neighbor, or traded. It's an empowering feeling knowing that the food you are eating was well earned, loved, and of the best quality, you can get. Your body will notice the difference too!

3. Know your Neighbor

There are farmers, cheesemakers, bread bakers, and more artisans in your neck of the woods. They take their time with care to give you something with love. There are orchards, self-pick berries, wineries, and free-range poultry farms all around your city vicinity. Farmer's Markets, CSA's (Community Supported Agriculture), and even Facebook Community groups are popping up everywhere. Don't feel helpless about what you can't have. Get excited about a plethora of abundance that is available to you in your own backyard!

4. Ask yourself, is it worth it?

When we really want something, it is so hard to discern whether it is really worth it to buy. Ask yourself, how will I feel about the packaging, the child slavery, the animal abuse, the environmental impact if I make this purchase? Did I research this product enough or am I just looking for instant gratification? Could I find it repurposed? Local? or from a sustainable source?

If you buy something and you are NOT thinking about these things, I invite you to start doing some basic research on beloved products you may buy regularly. You might find that it just isn't worth it for the reimagined future you'd like to be a part of.

5. Learn New Skills?

Whether it is making jam, bread, pickles, or simply learning to scramble an egg. Take the time to teach yourself and your kids how to process food without relying on a corporation to do it for you. Almost everything in your kitchen can be made from food grown in your region. If you feel helpless buying ketchup in plastic bottles, from tomatoes harvested by migrant workers, sprayed with toxic chemicals, and hauled all over the planet then looking to a simple recipe for an alternative may become really inspiring.

How simple would it be if people just learned to make their own ketchup? These little skills will make a huge difference in feeling empowered.

6. Look for it Used First

If you want a shiny new thing maybe consider looking for it used before buying new. You'll be helping out your neighbor, producing less waste, and reusing something that is no longer needed.

7. Switch to Mom and Pop Organics

There are just some products that cannot be made at home. They are too good! Each person has their own tasty temptation that they aren't willing to part with. Perhaps you can find an alternative organic version? Discovering a local variety is even better!

Buying from Regenerative Agriculture is primo. Here are a few things to consider:

  • Organic foods prevent further environmental damage of cancer-causing pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, and fungicides.

  • We aren't contributing to immunocompromising and killing our food producers with pesticides...The BEES!

  • Our waters will thank us and therefore so will our bodies because we aren't supporting the runoff of harmful chemicals into our water supply.

  • We're at least giving the soil a chance with better farming methods.

  • The foundation of the chemicals used in the agriculture industry comes from the chemical warfare experiments in World War II. We just put a lot of money in the pockets of people with a seriously cracked moral foundation. Do we want to continue to support that energy for a reimagined future?

8. Become Mindful of Splurges

Do you need that extra coffee splurge? I stopped getting any drinks out unless I'm in an actual restaurant. If it comes in plastic, I either bring my own cup or I just wait to get home and make something. Not only is it a way for me to not be a part of the problem, but it brings ease to my wallet and likely my waistline.

Let's think about how we contribute to the problem just by stopping for that afternoon sweet treat and coffee fix:

- Likely destruction of the rainforest habitat (shade-grown still means there was destruction) and likely sprayed with chemicals

- If you got creamer, you likely contributed to the use of antibiotics, steroids, hormones, and confinement of animals in deplorable conditions that ate GMO grains sprayed with roundup.

- If you got sugar in your coffee, the same applies, too mismanaged agricultural practices.

- Then we've got the cup, the cardboard, and the plastic lid. Billions of trees are harvested for those cups along with a lid that will sit in a dump. The cardboard itself is going to take 20 years to decompose, not to mention the thousands of years for the plastic lid. How many cups do you think you might be adding to the garbage problem? Do you choose to contribute to that problem? It is up to you.

Looking for an alternative way to get your afternoon fix removes you energetically from the problem. Buy a thermos, and make it at home with mindful ingredients. Look for a coffee shop that specializes in sustainable food offerings. Switch to water, it is better for you anyway :)

9. Can you reuse it?

Each week, I rewash my plastic bags. All of them. I wash them until they are no longer viable for use. I save my twist ties and use them to string my plants. I save the spice jars, mayonnaise jars, and jelly jars to fill with new concoctions I make in the kitchen. I use them as food takeaways for my friends. I save chapstick and deodorant containers and refill them with my own homemade concoctions.

It is fun to imagine a new use for an object. There is a feeling of being resourceful, and self-sufficient, and that brings self-empowerment. When you start thinking this way, you also become oh so aware of what you are actually throwing away.

10. Changing the Outside Isn't the Answer

We were all raised on products that are nostalgic, reliable, and familiar. It is difficult to ween ourselves from what makes us comfortable. And we've got a society full of people that believe they need to look a certain way in order to be accepted or feel validated. This distortion of our self-worth has led to a lot of people needing to look a certain way to feel empowered.

Hair, makeup, clothing, perfumes, lotions, fingernail polish, extensions, eyelashes, and tanning sprays may make us feel better about ourselves, yet this belief system is contributing to a lot of horrible things on this planet. Is our vanity more important than this global crisis?

In order to get most of our manufactured toiletries on the shelf, it has come at a high price for other places, people, and animals on the planet.

Manufacturing large-scale products generally create a ripple effect towards results in the oppression of people, burning of forests, abuses of animals, and pollution of waterways. Not to mention the millions of plastic containers for our endless supply of products. Unfortunately, most ingredients in makeup and other toiletries, including laundry detergent are toxic. Even though the FDA approves it..... it is all corrupt people!

It's scary to learn to rely on our own creativity, knowledge, strength, and resourcefulness. But that is what is being asked of us on this planet for a reimagined future. Taking better care of our part in the world is part of learning how to take better care of ourselves.

As we continue to move through great change on this planet, the best way to prepare ourselves is by learning a new level of self-reliance and community reliance. Our decisions to buy products will determine what products will continue to be made. It will send a message to companies about what consumers expect.

If you feel helpless about the state of the world. Turn inward for the answers and ask yourself, what can I do to feel empowered? What can I do to be a part of the solution?

If you need more guidance, check out the New Earth Pioneer Masterclasses and join in reimaging our future.

There is a lot to change needed if we are going to create a better future for the generations to come. Pick something. Start somewhere. Little by little, step by step, we can create a better, healthier world together.

Sahara Sun is an Intuitive Healer and New Earth Pioneer who offers an online Masterclass to help you develop empowering skillsets with a practical blueprint to help reimagine our future during this global crisis. She works worldwide offering online classes and private sessions. She weaves her knowledge of science, natural medicine, and spiritual healing together for an immersive experience to fully heal. You can take the FREE Introductory Class to Learn More.
